Membership Categories and Membership Fees
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Founding Member
Yearly Membership Options
Master of the Society: Academic vaccinologists who have achieved international recognition for their work in the field of vaccines. Masters will typically be senior scientists, physicians or veterinarians who have made lifelong contributions to the field of vaccinology as documented in their curricula vitae, and are at the academic rank of Professor. Master’s of the Society are approved by the Executive Committee of the Society. Masters of the Society pay annual membership fees of US $200, are general voting members, and receive all rights and benefits of the Society.
Fellow of the Society: Academic vaccinologists who have achieved national-level recognition for their work in the field of vaccines. Fellows will typically be mid-level scientists, physicians or veterinarians who have made regular contributions to the field of vaccinology as documented in their curricula vitae, and are at the academic rank of Associate Professor. Fellows of the Society are approved by the Executive Committee of the Society. Fellows of the Society pay annual membership fees of US $150, are general voting members, and receive all rights and benefits of the Society.
Regular Member: Regular members are scientists, physicians or veterinarians who are in training or junior faculty positions, and plan to work in the field of vaccinology, as documented in their curricula vitae. Such members will typically be residents, fellows, post-doctoral trainees, and faculty members at the academic rank of Instructor or Assistant Professor. Regular Members of the Society are approved by the Executive Committee of the Society. Regular Members of the Society pay annual membership fees of US $100, are general voting members, and receive all rights and benefits of the Society.
Supporting Member: Supporting members are those members of the professions who profess an interest in, and support for, the field of vaccinology, and contribute to the field of vaccinology in related fields, for example historians, cultural anthropologists, economists, and others. Supporting Members of the Society are approved by the Executive Committee of the Society. Supporting Members of the Society pay annual membership fees of US $50, are non-voting members, and do not receive electronic access to VACCINE.
Developing World Members: Developing World Members can include academic vaccinologists, scientists, physicians or veterinarians who are in training, in faculty or junior faculty positions, and may have contributed to the field of vaccinology or plan to work in the field of vaccinology, as documented in their curricula vitae. Such members will typically have the academic rank of Instructor, Associate Professor, as well as being residents, fellows, or post-doctoral trainees. Developing World Members are approved by the Executive Committee of the Society and pay annual membership fees of US $75, are general voting members, and receive all rights and benefits of the Society.
Lifetime Member
of the Society
Lifetime Member of the Society: Founding, Master, Fellow, Regular and Supporting members who contribute a minimum of $3,000 to the Society. Such members shall have general voting privileges, and access to all other named benefits of the society for their lifetime. However, after 10 years, current costs for VACCINE electronic access must be paid on a yearly basis, if such electronic access is desired.
Corporate Member
Corporate Member: Corporate members are those not-for-profit and for-profit organizations involved in the field of vaccines. Philanthropic contributors are also considered Corporate members. Corporate Members of the Society are approved by the Executive Committee of the Society, but are non-voting members. Corporate member levels include (per 2 year time period):
- Diamond: US $40,000
- Platinum: US $30,000
- Gold: US $20,000
- Silver: US $10,000
What do my membership fees support?
Membership fees support the work and functioning of the Society, provides unlimited electronic access to the journal Vaccine (Supporting Members excluded), and other membership benefits as listed under the Membership Benefits page.